Sunday, January 31, 2010

Live to Tell

Recently I had the opportunity to talk to two people who have been diagnosed and are being treated for the exact same type of cancer that I have. They are a few months behind me in treatment and are following me along the same path. It was so nice to be able to share information, encouragement, experiences, feelings, and hope with others who are facing all the same challenges and struggles. 

In those moments it became very clear to me how God uses our life experiences to benefit one another. He allows us to suffer, to struggle, to stretch, to grow, to learn, to change, and to overcome  in order that we can tell our story with those He brings into our lives. The idea is to "Live to Tell." God has allowed me to walk this way so that I can "Live to Tell."

Tell of my shock. Tell of my fear. Tell of my grief. Tell of my pain. Tell of my struggle. Tell of my feelings. Tell of my joy. Tell of my progress. Tell of my hope. Tell of the lessons I've learned...

Tell of His goodness. Tell of His faithfulness. Tell of His truth. Tell of His strength. Tell of His kindness. Tell of His love. 

We all have a story to tell. What's yours? Who will you share your story with today? How will you live to tell your story this week? 

"Go home to your own family and relatives and friends and bring back word to them of how much the Lord has done for you, and how He has had sympathy for you and mercy on you." Mark 5:19

Greg and Susan, I pray for you daily. 
Live to tell.


  1. Beautifully said Laura. Thank you once again for articulating so lovely what has been in my mind also while walking down my path of diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
    XXOO Debbie

  2. Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh I just love that... "Live to Tell"... sounds like the most awesome title to a book!!!! And its so very true... live to tell... that just really struck a cord... our testimony is powerful.... live to it!

  3. You are awesome !! hugs and prayers
