Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rainbow and Promises

All night long I woke up. Each time, I found Chris Quilala's lyrics "Your Love Never Fails" playing in my head. Each time I was prompted to pray. Throughout the night I prayed down my list of friends who are fighting cancer, friends who need a relationship with the Lord, and COF staff members and families.  

After an incredibly long and stressful Monday and Tuesday and a fitful night's sleep, I awoke to a brand new day. As Mark and I drove down the highway this morning we saw a rainbow. It was hard to see, and it was just a piece of the rainbow, but when I saw it I had to smile. Isn't that just like God to send a rainbow when we need to remember who He is?! I was reminded of God's promises to me. I was reminded that He is with me, that He hears my prayers, that He cares about all the details of my life. I was reminded of His faithfulness and His goodness toward me. His love never fails!

"And when the oceans rage
I don't have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails"

(Chris Quilala / Jesus Culture)

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