Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Think Again

The past month has been the most difficult of our 30+ years of ministry. We have faced situations that we have never experienced before. Our hearts have been broken, our trust betrayed. 

In the middle of all of these experiences, I read this in Jesus Calling one day:

This is a time of abundance in your life. Your cup runneth over with blessings... I want you to enjoy to the full this time of ease and refreshment. I delight in providing it for you.

I literally laughed out loud! This had been the worst month ever. The church had been rocked to the core, the people and staff were hurting. I thought to myself, "Well, this devotion is off the mark today; this is certainly not a time of abundance and blessing and ease and refreshment! I'll just disregard this little devotion."

Then God opened my eyes and spoke to my heart: "Laura, you are looking at it wrong. Your focus is off. These words are true. They are always true of your life, not based on your circumstances, but on my character."

God is still God. He is still on his throne. He  is continually pouring out his blessing and abundance on me. He continually offers refreshment to me if I will look to him to find it. He will ease the way if I let him carry the burden. He promises to be strong in my weakness. He delights in providing it for me!

What a change of thinking! What a profound turn-around of everything! The circumstances don't matter - they don't change the fact that my life is overflowing with God's goodness and blessing always, no matter how it may seem or how it may feel, or how difficult it may be.

Last weekend Mark preached from 2 Chronicles 20, the story of King Jehoshaphat, my favorite story in Scripture. God performed an amazing miracle and turned what the enemy intended to be the destruction of God's people into a "Valley of Blessing." That's what God does! I can't wait to see all that God is going to do as he turns the past 30 days into a "Valley of Blessing" for me and for my church!

"Give thanks to the Lord; his faithful love endures forever." 
2 Chronicles 20:21


  1. Thank you for sharing that! Thought I could cry with you there for a moment. But God is truly good and although 1 Peter 4:12 (I don't usually quote Scripture) tells me I should expect these problems I still fear them.

    May God bless you both and the church on this interesting adventure. He is in control and so glad HE moves so close to one in times like these.

    Many blessings (Love you both)

    Francois Rauch
    Your bush brother

  2. Laura, we continue to pray for you in our Thursday morning Ladies Prayer Time beginning at 9:30a and ending at approximately 12noon. We pray for a large number of people and groups and therefore do not stop until we have offered up everyone we can! We love you! My name is C. Kay Watson and am a member of Southwinds Baptist Church on Hwy 2920 in Tomball

  3. Laura,
    During our trials and tribulations in life I am often reminded of how God is in control. Although we may not like the circumstances and we may not want eyes to see it - HE will get us through it.
    When you build your house upon a rock...the winds and storms may try to tear you down - but hold firm to your belief...and maybe just maybe you will see that God is refining his gold and getting the impurities out! So you can shine for him. Hold your chin up - you are His. Many continued blessings to you and yours. Mrs. T
